One of the Mohawk Valleys most well known legacies except maybe the movie; "Drums Along the Mohawk", is the Erie Canal and this old classic song; "Low Bridge Everybody Down". most Americans know and can recite at least the first verse. The Erie Canal was an engineering marvel whose opening hyper accelerated the expansion of this country into the west. Little Falls was known for it's amazing set of locks that brought boats and passengers through 3 tiers of locks up the edge of the valley and down into the village.The 3 locks until recent years was the highest lift lock in the world at 40.5 feet
Low Bridge, Everybody Down
(Written by: Thomas Allen in 1905)
I've got a mule, and her name is Sal,
Fif-teen miles on the Er-ie canal,
She's a good ol' worker and a good ol' pal,
Fifteen miles on the Er-ie can-al,
We've hauled some barges in our day,
Filled with lum-ber coal and hay,
And ev'ry inch of the way we know
From Al-ba-ny to Buff-a-lo
Low bridge ev'-ry bod-y down,
Low bridge for we're com-in to a town,
And you al-ways know your neighbor,
You'll always know your pal,
If you've ev-er navigated on the Er-ie can-al