Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Wanderer....

Found myself recalling and humming a favorite grade school era song the other day entitled the "Happy Wanderer" and boy did that bring back some memories. And I thought to myself how I had kinda grown into this song, as I am the most happy it seems as I hike or run and explore the beautiful countryside whether in upstate, the Adirondacks, Maine, Hawaii or Arizona. I post below for your pleasure or displeasure if you please....just be glad you can't hear me sing or it definitely would be the latter. Fortunately, the only thing I unsettled were a few less than enthusiastic crows. The Happy Wanderer I love to go a-wandering, Along the mountain track, And as I go, I love to sing, My knapsack on my back. Chorus: Val-deri,Val-dera, Val-deri, Val-dera-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Val-deri,Val-dera. My knapsack on my back. I love to wander by the stream That dances in the sun, So joyously it calls to me, "Come! Join my happy song!" I wave my hat to all I meet, And they wave back to me, And blackbirds call so loud and sweet From ev'ry green wood tree. High overhead, the skylarks wing, They never rest at home But just like me, they love to sing, As o'er the world we roam. Oh, may I go a-wandering Until the day I die! Oh, may I always laugh and sing, Beneath God's clear blue sky!
Chickadees after a rare snowfall last week
Sunset on the Rayhill Trail Pond
Sunset in Whitestown

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