Image: Turn of century postcard of TLake Falls I'll share since this elusive view has eluded me twice now.
Deciding to sleep in a little and do a closer "easier" hike, I talked Nolan into doing TLake with me. I missed seeing the complete falls on my trail run in early September, and thought it might be easier to bushwack our way down the steep incline to the base of the falls to get a good photo that way. Unsure of the conditions we set out for Piseco Lake Road and the closest trail head to TLake. Nobody had been on trail for a week or so, and with approx. 2 foot of snow base, the 7+mile trek proved to be a little more gruelling than my solo trail run here to check out the falls, late last summer.

The trail-head parking at the campsite

Many challenging hills and valleys to climb and detours to bushwack through.

T Lake lean to and a fresh pair of socks, water, snack and equipment adjustment check.

I decided not to risk bringing Nolan to the top of the falls area, due to the extreme danger in going over the edge. Especially as icy and uncertain the conditions at the falls in winter might be. At least 2 people have died here going over the edge, and there are even newspaper clippings and warnings posted on the trees to discourage the "curious cat" syndrome. I figure the next attempt will be the unmarked trail (5mile) from Mountain Home Rd., perhaps in late summer or early fall, to capture and experience this elusive image of Adirondack beauty.

After we returned to the trailhead parking, we ventured out onto Piseco Lake which was still frozen, and we're treated to beautiful and expansive views of Piseco and surrounding mountains including being under the shadow of Piseco Mountain which we had just hiked for several miles around