I love the outdoors and hiking/running in some of the areas more scenic "outdoorsy" areas of the Mohawk Valley. But you have to love running-walking and taking in the many sights, sound and smells in areas around downtown Utica! The interesting people and architecture, as well as the deliciously intoxicating smells eminating from the many restaurants(Vietnamese, Italian-many, American-delis and grills, Japanese, Cambodian to name a few) in the downtown area, make it one of this runners favorite places to jog and take in the many sights, sounds and smells....Give it a go sometime, especially if you are visiting us this summer. If you're not staying at one of the hotels on Genesee Street, you can park for free on Bleecker or Court or State Streets. For a 5K-10K run, I prefer to park by Union Station, and then work my way Southeast towards Bleecker and over by Rutger Street Park (historical homes area) and follow Park Ave to Oneida Square for 5K or up to South Utica (Uptown Theatre area), and then back down Genesee Street past Munson Williams Museum, taking as many side streets as I have time and stamina for. It's certainly a different sort of run or walk then my "usual". But it's one I'm seldom disappointed in. As I often see, smell, and hear some really cool and great things you would never see out in the isolated spots I normally run or walk. Enjoy.

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