The bridge crossing on the Lower Ausable Lake |
Rock cliffs on Saddleback Mountain |
June was an unusually busy month that saw us in the high peaks region 3 times, and the off weeks spent in the Southern Adirondacks. We covered much ground, mainly because of the favorable weather conditions and the unexpected lack of rain and bugs. The official bug of the Adirondacks the black fly, were around at times as well as deer flies, but no where near other years when you tried to wave off black clouds of the little biting devils.
Resting on Saddleback Mtn |
Anyway, no doubt that Nolan and I find that our
"hearts are in the clouds" and especially look forward to our visits and time in the Adirondacks of New York State. I really find the high peaks breath taking and most enjoyable, although it seems at times to be a lot more people than the more pristine and sedate back woods areas of the Southern Adirondack region. I am finding that I really prefer the winter climbs in the peaks when there are fewer climbers, and more peace and solice amongst clouds and the mountain summits.
atop Haystack Mtn |
Enjoy some of my favorite photos from our June climbs of Adirondack high peaks Dix, South Dix, East Dix, Macomb, Basin, Saddleback, Haystack, Colvin & Blake as well as our bushwack of Big Marsh Mountain and a hike to Hamilton Lean to from Piseco.
Staircase coming off Saddleback Mtn |
View of Indian Head
View from Indian Head Ausable Lake
trail to Indian Head
View from Colvin Mt
View from Blake Mt
Nolan on Indian Head
me atop Indian Head
back up Colvin Mt after Blake
Bushwacking up Big Marsh Mtn
the classic Dix Mtn profile
view of Dix from the Beckhorn
Dix Mtn
Dix Mtn
East Dix
Macomb Mtn
the early bird catches the worm. One of the benefits to getting an early start to climb the peaks is we get to enjoy magnificent sunrises (and sunsets) over beautiful Adirondack areas we might normally ever see. Here on our way to climb a few weeks ago we stopped to enjoy coffee and a sunrise over Loon Lake, a pair of woodies and their home in the foreground? |
A view of Irondequoit Mtn from Big Marsh Mtn |
atop Big Marsh Mtn (we think) was so heavily wooded and thick we weren't 100% sure....are you ever? |
a beautiful parting shot from Dix Mtn |